Welcome y'all! Please come in and make yourself at home. I am delighted you stopped in for a visit. Here, it is all about family and simple living. I will be getting into adventures around the house and out in this beautiful world so I hope you will join me. Grab a warm cup of tea, pull up a cozy chair and let me know if there is anything you need. Enjoy! 

The Home

In the kitchen you’ll find delicious recipes and all the things I have learned to keep a minimal, low waste and clean kitchen.

The living room focuses on making a 'Home Sweet Home' for the whole family through interior decorating, being the best hostess, DIY projects, and ways to save! 


In the bedroom you’ll find ways to reflect, refresh, and recharge. I’ll also share some books that are lifelong favorites of mine.   


MY Desk

Here it gets intense… I’ll share my home management and financial strategies to keep our home running efficiently, and organized. I’ll delve into my hobbies and routines as well.


By day, the family table is a workspace for crafts, school work, and sewing projects. By night, it hosts the daily family gathering to give thanks, eat, share and enjoy each other's company!


In the backyard you’ll find all the ways we enjoy nature, outdoor living and growing food and flowers. Come chill with us!